Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gloomy Go Pro Snake Road Run, Goldfish = Best fish and Burgers in Kenosha

On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

Kris Kristofferson knew how to write a song.

I awoke slightly hungover in Harvard after the exciting Drinkstravaganza we call Milk Days and rather than stumble about town and retread Kris's song I decided to go exploring.

First stop was to head up to Lake Geneva and try out my gopro chest mount on Snake Road.  For those of you who have missed it, it's one of the best motorcycle roads within an hour of Chicago or Milwaukee.  Left and right sweepers, elevation changes it's like they took orders.  Next time you are in the area head out of lake Geneva to the west and pick either entrance to Snake road, it slithers around the hills and million dollar estates and loops back to 50.

Here's the video I got.

After walking around downtown Lake Geneva I decided to visit WOCRR in Paddock Lake so I shot over east on 50.  After a short pitstop I decided to head up to the Kenosha area and put the Gastro in MotoGastro.
First stop was the Pleasant Prairie Mall to get some expired goldfish.  Pepperidge Farms has an outlet store for product that is nearing expiration at super steep discounts.  Unfortunately I unleashed the inner fatty beast and bought way too much stuff.  I ended up with a cart full of weird goldfish flavors and colors, baked snack crackers and Milano cookies.