Monday, May 6, 2013

Slimey Crud Run Spring 2013

After seeing the Slimey Crud Run whispered about in dark corners of the internet I decided I would like to check it out.  An old friend whom I will refer to as Whiney Old Crotch Rocket Rider or WOCRR for short was also interested so we agreed to to leave our respective houses at 8:00am and meetup at a halfway point in Darien by the titty bar and ride up together.

I left about on time but realized I needed gas and had to grab cash for food and drinks in case I couldn't use plastic in cheeseland so I booked it on the way up and arrived at the gas station with 2 minutes to spare.

And then I waited and waited and waited.   After double checking the Vegas Club wasn't open I waited some more.  After 15 minutes I got a call from WOCRR who said he was lost or some such excuse and would be there in another 5 minutes.

After 20 minutes or 3 extended lapdances had the titty bar been open I heard a pitiful sound come whining up.  Sadly the bike sounded OK, it was the rider whining about his old age related problems such as not being able to tell time or drive the speed limit.

Shortly after taking this picture he complained that smiling hurt his cheeks.  We were now both gassed up and ready to go but 30 minutes behind schedule.  I realized there may not be many places to stop once we get out of Janesville so we grabbed a quick breakfast at McDonald's.  WOCRR complained it would give him gas, luckily I was the lead bike.   We hauled ass up to Pine Bluff and knew we were getting close as we kept seeing more and more motorcycles.  Once we got really close we started to see earlybirds tearing off to start their run.  Just before town a Hayabusa flew by in a full tuck and must have been doing 100+.

The $100 Burger at Pilot Pete's

With a free afternoon before my accounting final, the temps pushing 85F and a need for an early dinner I pulled up my handy list of places I want to check out and picked Pilot Pete's.

On my way south on 31 I got stuck in construction traffic around  Algonquin.  Idling an air cooled bike for 20 minutes on an 85 degree day left me seeking a way to cool down so I shot across the Fox and followed the river into East Dundee.

Oil temp was 225F when I stopped to snap this pic at a picnic area on the Fox.

40 minutes later I arrived at Pilot Pete's hot and hungry.